电影网>明星资料馆>E.E. Clive




剧情: Crotchety old Mrs. Bransom hires a charming young man named Danny as a live-in companion. Less charmed by Danny is Mrs. Bransom\'s niece, Olivia, a repressed yo...

The Emperor's Candlesticks

剧情: 美国 1937-07-02  1937|芬兰 1938-09-18  1938

Live, Love and Learn

剧情: 美国 1937-10-29  1937|芬兰 1938-04-01  1938|丹麦 1938-07-25  1938


剧情: Major Vickers is an officer at the 27th Lancers in India 1856. When the regiment is on maneuver, the barracks are attacked by Surat Khan and his soldiers who ma...

It's Love I'm After

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   Basil Underwood and Joyce Arden have postponed their marriage eleven times. Henry Grant\'s fiancée Macia is infatuated with Basil. At Henry\'s re...

The Great Garrick

剧情: 美国 1937-10-24  1937 (New York City, New York)|美国 1937-10-30  1937|芬兰 1938-05-08  1938|丹麦 1938-05-16  ...

Ready, Willing and Able

剧情: 美国 1937-03-06  1937


剧情: Robert Dabney returns to his family after trouble with the law. The sheriff gets him a job watching the house and furniture of widow Crystal Wetherby.丹麦 19...



剧情: 版本一:   茶花女是一个高级妓女她以自己的美貌向玩弄她的阔佬们进行无可奈何的报复,弄得他们一个个倾家荡产。当她碰上真心爱她、关心她的贵族青年阿芒时她动了真情。她宁愿洗尽铅华抛开唾手可得的奢华生活,与财产不多的阿芒去乡间过隐居的生活。可是她作为妓女的身分危及了阿芒妹妹的婚姻。最后,在阿芒父母的恳求下,茶花女强忍自己内...


剧情: 猎人福里与简的堂兄弟一起来到非洲丛林,想抓泰山回文明世界展览,泰山和简之间出现了误解,泰山伤心欲绝,在成功逃脱陷阱后自投罗网.最黑暗的时候往往就是光明就要来到的前刻,大象们营救了泰山,善良的泰山放过了悔改的帮凶,但顽冥不化的福里终葬身沼泽。White hunter Captain Fry tries to ta...

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