电影网>明星资料馆>William Corson



Zorro's Fighting Legion

剧情: 美国 1939-12-16  1939 (re-release)|芬兰 1949-11-11  1949|奥地利 1951-07-13  1951|瑞典 1951-10-26  1951|丹麦 ...



剧情: 讲一个疯疯癫癫的富婆带着两只宠物(一只豹和一只猎狗),把一个古生物学家的平静生活搅得一塌糊涂。故事听起来很平庸:笨拙的人类学家大卫(加里·格兰特饰)为他的博物馆集资,但年青的苏珊(凯瑟琳·赫本饰)不断的使其计划落空。大卫拼命想搞清楚他遭遇到的这一系列怪事,而反抗精神特强的苏珊则认定这位难对付的先生是造成混乱的根...


剧情: Given the job of training young pilots for important post-war cargo flights, hard-boiled Col. Stockton forces ex-officer Stag Cahill back into the military ...

Double Danger

剧情: 美国 1938-01-28  1938

Go Chase Yourself

剧情: 美国 1938-04-22  1938

Mr. Doodle Kicks Off

剧情: 美国 1938-09-27  1938 (New York City, New York)|美国 1938-10-07  1938

Annabel Takes a Tour

剧情: 美国 1938-11-11  1938advertisement Josephine: Annabel\'s fallen in love! Howard Webb: She can\'t do that. It\'s not in her contract.

The Mad Miss Manton

剧情: Madcap debutante Melsa Manton finds a body in a deserted house. Of course, the police don\'t believe her. Stung by Peter Ames\'s front page editorial decrying h...

Having Wonderful Time

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   中文剧情:   芬兰 1939-07-16  1939|丹麦 1939-05-15  1939|美国 1938-07-01  1938


剧情: Dr. Tony Flagg\'s friend, Steven, has problems in the relationship with his fiancee, Amanda, so he persuades her to visit Dr. Flagg. After some minor misunderst...

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