



剧情:   20世纪40年代末,第一位女性拳击裁判员冲破重重阻力应运而生。同一时期,次中量级拳手Sugar Ray Robinson在其201场职业拳击赛中取得了19负的佳绩,且从未被击倒过!   枯燥的文字叠加是对拳坛历史的引述,也是本片官方网站首先昭示给广大影迷们的创作定位。剧本并非来自杜撰,如同黑暗背后那终究能照亮...



剧情: 加拿大 2003-09-16  2003

"Odd Job Jack"

剧情: Odd Job Jack is an animated comedy about one guy\'s misadventures in temporary employment and his quest to get a full-time life. In the year 2003, in an unnamed...

"72 Hours: True Crime"

剧情: Fact: The majority of crimes are solved within 72 hours of being committed. Fact: The final 72 hours of a victim\'s life holds the key to the murderer\'s identi...

Jasper, Texas

剧情: In 1998, three white men in the small town of Jasper, Texas, chained a black man to the back of their pickup truck and dragged him to his death. This film relat...


剧情: 美国中央情报局那不太光彩的大门第一次敞开,让世人看到了其种种内幕:包括如何招募学员、如何进行间谍训练、如何在那个神秘的环境中求生。也许詹姆斯-克莱顿(科林-法瑞尔饰)当初并没有打算成为那样的学员,但他是美国最优秀的应届大学毕业生,于是也就成了沃尔特-伯克(艾尔-帕西诺饰)眼中当然的中情局间谍人选。詹姆斯也认为与...

Eloise at Christmastime

剧情: 匈牙利 2006-12-25  2006|瑞典 2006-12-24  2006|意大利 2004-12-24  2004|美国 2003-11-22  2003Eloise: I absolutel...



剧情: 加拿大 2002-09-03  2002

Rolie Polie Olie: The Great Defender of Fun

剧情: The evil space pirate Gloomius Maximus is determined that since he can\'t have fun, nobody else will either. Unfortunately for our heroes, an invitation to Zowi...

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