电影网>明星资料馆>Abigail Cruttenden




剧情: 影片讲述霍金卢伽雷氏症病情发作前的生活,主要关注点在霍金和他妻子之间的故事。由埃迪·雷德梅恩饰演霍金,而菲丽希缇·琼斯饰演他的首任夫人——简。影片从霍金的爱情生活切入,讲述性格内向、整日沉迷物理研究和瓦格纳歌剧的霍金在剑桥大学与简相遇、相恋的爱情故事。当21岁的霍金被查出患上会使四肢麻痹的卢伽雷氏症,只有2年的...


Sharpe's Waterloo

剧情: Based on the novel by Bernard Cornwell, "Sharpe\'s Waterloo" brings maverick British officer Lt. Col. Richard Sharpe to his last fight against the Frenc...

Sharpe's Revenge

剧情: 美国 2006-08-12  2006|英国 1997-05-07  1997Ducos: The war is over, Sharpe; apparently not for you. [after Harper tells him that Jan...

Sharpe's Regiment

剧情: Told his battalion is to be split up due to lack of recruits at home, Sharpe and Harper return to England to investigate. What should have been a simple query t...

Sharpe's Justice

剧情: Napoleon has been exiled to Elba, the English have returned from the wars, and Major Richard Sharpe finds himself in a sort of exile to lead a company of Yorksh...

Sharpe's Mission

剧情: 美国 2006-08-05  2006|德国 1997-04-19  1997|英国 1996-05-15  1996Wellington: I\'d be obliged if you\'d show that fellow S...

Sharpe's Siege

剧情: Sharpe, with his new commanding officer, is sent to capture a castle when news comes of locals who will rise against Bonaparte. However, he is somewhat distract...


"Doctors and Nurses"

剧情: 英国 2004-01-13  2004


"Anna Karenina"

剧情: 匈牙利 2004-11-19  2004|美国 2001-02-18  2001|瑞典 2001-02-03  2001|英国 2000-05-09  2000

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