电影网>明星资料馆>Robert Curtis-Brown



The Christmas Box

剧情: 英国 1997-12-23  1997|美国 1995-12-17  1995

Stuart Saves His Family

剧情: Stuart Smalley, the Saturday Night Live character, comes to the big screen. Stuart, the disciple of the 12 step program, is challenged by lifes injustices. He l...


剧情:   小胖子安格斯出身自一个古怪的家庭,父母都是同性恋者。男性化的母亲以卡车司机为业,独力抚养儿子。同住的外公思想开通,经常鼓励安格斯。过胖的身材一直使安格斯成为同学们的笑柄,虽然他在课业上和橄榄球队都表现出色,仍不免有点自卑。直至安格斯被他的死敌设计,指定他在舞会上跟他暗恋的啦啦队队长玛丽莎作舞伴,小胖子才在几番波折之...


剧情: 在女人从军仍备受争议的美国军队中,一位年轻的女飞行员自一艘重达八万顿的美国海军航空母舰上神秘地失踪了?还是一桩意外?海军菁英军事律师团指派哈蒙中尉,与一位剽悍的律师团军官合作,来调查这宗失踪案。两人互不相让的个性,加上军队中士兵互相袒护的风气,使得调查变得棘手而困难重重。他们该如何破案呢?本片结合了「捍卫战士」与「军官...


Labor of Love: The Arlette Schweitzer Story

剧情: The true story of Arlette Schweitzer, a middle-aged woman who agrees to be a surrogate for her daughter, who was born without a uterus. Through in vitro fertili...

"Diagnosis Murder"

剧情: 美国 1993-10-29  1993 (French speaking region)|德国 1995-04-02  1995|英国 1999-09-06  1999|法国 2000-05-12  ...


Just My Imagination

剧情: A woman lives a normal, peacefull life in a small town until the day when a famous rock star who went to college with her quotes and cites her in one of his son...


Hyde in Hollywood

剧情: 美国 1991-07-06  1991

"Herman's Head"

剧情: 美国 1991-09-08  1991advertisement Louise: I know what you\'re thinking. You\'re thinking \"Awww, who\'s going to go out with the virgin?\...


Children of the Bride

剧情: Serio-comic story of four adult children who have to deal with their mother\'s (Rue McClanahan) impending marriage to a much younger man (Patrick Duffy). Writ...

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