电影网>明星资料馆>Mel Damski



Back to the Streets of San Francisco

剧情: Mike Stone\'s back and his old partner, Steve Keller played by Michael Douglas in the original series, is missing. So Mike heads up an investigation. At the sam...


剧情:   这部西部惊悚片叙述一名牧师(Powers Boothe,「上错惊魂路」),如今放弃神职变成赌徒,他南下到新墨西哥州去拜访老友,没想到却目睹老友被残酷的杀害,为了复仇,牧师决定自己寻找真凶,不料却发现表面平和的小镇,其实暗藏着腐败与谋杀的更大秘密,无怪乎这个小镇要叫做「再见镇」。Thriller about...

"Picket Fences"

剧情: 美国 1992-09-18  1992|德国 1995-01-05  1995|法国 1995-07-01  1995|克罗地亚 1997-05-26  1997|意大利 2004-04-2...


Blood River

剧情: Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan\'s son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy\'s parents for their land. T...

Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance

剧情: 美国 1991-03-24  1991


剧情: 美国 1991-05-11  1991|德国 1996-10-23  1996|法国 2001-10-15  2001


The Girl Who Came Between Them

剧情: A home is divided when a 13 year old Vietnamese girl moves in with a family of an ex-GI who believes that she may be his illegitimate daughter in this fact-base...


Happy Together

剧情: Christopher is an ambitious college freshman, striving to become a writer. Through a computer fault he\'s assigned the same room as Alex, a real party freak and...


剧情: 12岁的黑人小女孩卡伦骑马时摔下昏迷,等醒来时发现身处中世纪,原来她竟然穿越时空回到了公元528年,英格兰亚瑟王时代。因为她的肤色,被兰斯洛特爵士(亚瑟王圆桌武士中的第一位勇士)看作魔鬼的化身。但在亚瑟王宫中,卡伦手中的二十世纪的高科技被看作“魔法”让所有人大吃一惊,于是被封为“头爵士”。  影片里很多镜头给...

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