电影网>明星资料馆>Mark Daniels




剧情: 英文简短剧情:   中文剧情:   美国 1943-01-12  1943Jefferson Davis: I must pronounce our solemn farewell. Under these circumstances, of course, my functions - ...


剧情: 美国 1945-06-11  1945 (TV premiere)|瑞典 1947-07-25  1947|芬兰 1991-07-09  1991


剧情: A sentimental, patriotic (if not propagandistic) Hollywood fantasy about a dead World War II bomber pilot, Maj. Pete Sandidge (Tracy) who becomes guardian angel...


剧情: 本片从一个加州小镇的日常生活侧面反映美国老百姓在二次世界大战时的悲欢离合,没有太大的戏剧冲突,却不乏动人的温情,对于安抚1943年战时的民心士气有正面作用。当时正走红的青少年明星米基.鲁尼饰演西方联合电信局的信差,整天跟老信差弗兰克.摩根为伍,他藉着这份工作维持了家计,也理解到镇上一些家庭在战争中的感人遭遇。导...

Salute to the Marines

剧情: 美国 1943-08-02  1943 (Chico, California) (premiere)|美国 1943-08-30  1943 (New York City, New York)|美国 1944-08-14  194...


剧情: A small group of Allied soldiers and airmen on Java are being bombed by Japanese \'planes daily. With only one working fighter of their own, and five pilots anx...


Don't Talk

剧情: 美国 1942-02-28  1942advertisement [first lines] MGM Crime Reporter: Once again, as the MGM crime reporter, it is my privilege to bring ...

We Do It Because-

剧情: 美国 1942-01-24  1942

Keep 'Em Sailing

剧情: 美国 1942-11-28  1942

Fingers at the Window

剧情: The City of Chicago is gripped by an Axe Murderer. The streets are empty at night as there has been six murders and six people have been caught, but they are lu...

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