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剧情:  .hack系列动漫第三作OVA,共四集,分别为   1 - In The Case of Mai Minase (.hack//Infection)   2 - In The Case of Yuki Aihara (.hack//Mutation)   3 - In The Case of Kyoko ...



剧情: From the omni-dimensional communications center known as The Hub, Dave and his computer companion VAL explore the ever evolving virtual universe of Massively Mu...


"Gate Keepers"

剧情: Miu Manazuru: Excuse me, but did you say something about a pickle? 24 [repeated line] fdf Shun Ukiya: Vacuum missile! [repeated line] Various c...


Fast Food

剧情: The entire fast food racket was controlled by two \'clowns\' Jack and Mickey D. Until mafioso Bobby arrived, now he sells a million cheeseburgers a year. Bobby ...

"Kacho Oji"

剧情: Hard Rock Saves Space!! Life can crush your dreams. Oji is a middle-management drone whose only grip on sanity in the drudgery of his corporate lifestyle, are t...



剧情:   2071年,随着超光速航行技术的实现,人类得以在太阳系范围内方便的移动,但是由于设计上的失误,这种技术引发了月球的爆炸,无数的月球碎片被吸引向地球,造成了空前绝后的大灾难。存活下来的人类逃离地球,并开始在太阳系各地建立家园。由于这次灾难,国家政府等权利机构都极为不稳定、治安问题也成为了一个难题。有些组织开始允许个人...


奥美帝 Ⅲ

剧情: 一个比素子还暴力且暴露的火星女警和她的只是表面像巴特的大块头搭档追查一宗谋杀案,身为著名歌手的受害者被发现是机器人,于是案情变得扑朔迷离起来。 A policeman, Ross Sylibus, is assigned to a unit on a Martian colony, to find tha...


剧情: 偶像歌星未麻转形去演电视连续剧,虽然开始一切不如人意,但是未麻并不气馁,凭借自己的努力逐渐进入了角色。可是在这期间剧组继接到恐吓之后,相关人物先后被谋杀死了,而未麻也遭到了骚扰,日常活动细节被公布在INTERNET上,未麻的眼前也经常会出现另一个自己,这到底是自己的幻想还是现实? Mima leaves ...

El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2

剧情: With the Shadow Realm\'s attempt to destroy El Hazard defeated, our heroes are adjusting to their new peaceful lives in this world. This includes the preparatio...

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