电影网>明星资料馆>Alice Davenport



Caught in a Cabaret

剧情: 美国 1914-04-27  1914|西班牙 1917-11-08  1917|瑞典 1923-02-11  1923

Mabel's Married Life

剧情: 美国 1914-06-20  1914|瑞典 1917-11-15  1917

Caught in the Rain

剧情: 美国 1914-05-04  1914

Mabel at the Wheel

剧情: 美国 1914-04-18  1914|瑞典 1915-06-10  1915|西班牙 1920-06-10  1920

Tillie's Punctured Romance

剧情: Charlie talks wealthy farmer\'s daughter Tillie into eloping with him (and taking her father\'s money). In the city Tillie gets drunk and lands in jail while Ch...

The Star Boarder

剧情: 美国 1914-04-04  1914 (re-release)|瑞典 1919-09-09  1919|西班牙 1921-04-15  1921

Mabel's Strange Predicament

剧情: 美国 1914-02-09  1914 (re-release)|西班牙 1915-09-17  1915


剧情: An out-of-work swindler takes a job as a reporter. After witnessing a car go over cliff, he grabs a rival reporter\'s camera and races to the newspaper office t...


剧情: 在一个盛大的舞会上,一个漂亮的姑娘吸引了众人的目光。查理和两个乐师同时看上了她,于是三个人一起向姑娘展开了攻势。在美妙的音乐伴奏下,舞会被这几个人搞的鸡犬不宁,结果还是两败俱伤……美国 1914-03-09  1914

Won in a Closet

剧情: 美国 1914-01-22  1914

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