电影网>明星资料馆>Julia Davis



Dating Ray Fenwick

剧情: 英国 2005-09-10  2005

"Nathan Barley"

剧情: 英国 2005-02-11  2005Dan: I am not a preacher man! 2c Nathan Barley ff7 : You should come, dollsnatch. It\'s gonna be total fucking Mexico...



剧情:   故事发生在伦敦。年近三十的肖恩(西蒙·佩吉饰)是一个一事无成的普通人,他的工作从未得到过别人的认可,他的猪朋狗友游手好闲,他和女朋友的爱情也亮起了红灯,一切看来都是如此不如意。   肖恩和自己的朋友皮特以及整日用打电子游戏和令人讨厌的行为打发日子的艾德(尼克·弗瑞斯特饰)同住在一幢破旧肮脏的房子里。虽然肖恩打...

"I Am Not an Animal"

剧情: 澳大利亚 2005-05-05  2005|英国 2004-05-10  2004[the gang, having discovered Kieron strapped to a chair with his head severed, agree to g...

"Nighty Night"

剧情: 冰岛 2005-06-15  2005|澳大利亚 2005-03-24  2005|英国 2004-01-06  2004e85 [repeated line] Jill Tyrrell: Hiya, Don! ...

"The Alan Clark Diaries"

剧情: Alan Clarke is the member of parliament for Plymouth Sutton, where he longs for a "proper" role as a Minister in Thatcher\'s government. When he gets th...

AD/BC: A Rock Opera

剧情: An all-singing, all-dancing, star-spangled musical leap around the biblical story of the Nativity, set in 1972. With a comic twist, this familiar story is broug...


剧情: Mackenzie Crook and Johnny Vegas star as the bird-chasing, self-proclaimed "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" of Birmingham in this £3 million br...



剧情: 这是一出10个爱情故事窜成的喜剧杂烩:   失去母亲的小男孩终日郁郁寡欢,继父不知该如何安慰。当他得知继子喜欢上学校里最美的女孩,便热烈地鼓励儿子去追。小男孩为了赢得小女孩的关注,废寝忘食地练习架子鼓,只为了在圣诞节的晚会上能与她同台演出。勇敢的他,甚至为了最后的一记道别潇洒地突破机场的安检区。  ...

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