电影网>明星资料馆>Sonny Carl Davis




剧情: A civilization on a distant planet has found a way to solve its garbage problem: turning it into energy and beaming it into outer space. A flaw in this system i...



剧情: 美国 1984-09-22  1984[first lines] Lawnmower killer: Death to all teenagers who fuck. Mrs. Doctor Graves: Poor Daddy\'s been under such a st...

The Burning Bed

剧情: Abused battered wife has had enough of husband beating up on her. Everywhere she turns for help, there\'s not much anyone will do. After he rapes one night, she...


Last Night at the Alamo

剧情: The cheerless events on the last night in the existence of a little suburban Houston pub. It has to be closed down for development reasons but one of the regula...


In the Custody of Strangers

剧情: A teenage delinquent who goes on a drunken joyride is left in jail overnight by his parents in the hope that he might learn a lesson from it. But events follow ...


剧情: 丹麦 2005-09-17  2005|俄罗斯 2001-09-17  2001|瑞典 1983-06-08  1983|芬兰 1983-05-27  1983|法国 1983-03-30  1983|澳大利亚 1983-03-10  1983|日本 ...


Why Would I Lie?

剧情: Cletus is a compulsive liar. He prefers the term \'fabrication\' to lie though. When Cletus becomes a social worker he\'s assigned the case of a boy called Jorg...


剧情: 梅尔文·达默是个汽车加油站的工人,他心地善良,乐于助人,但却是个彻头彻尾的失败者:背运,不切实际,还丢了工作,老婆也和他离了婚。一天晚上,梅尔文在公路上看到一个步履蹒跚、行动不便的老人,原来老人的摩托车出了故障,梅尔文便好心让他搭乘自己的汽车。老人声称自己是霍华德·休斯,梅尔文听说过这个性格古怪的大富翁,但他对此并不相...

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