


啊哈 史酷比

剧情: 史酷比和朋友们一起去夏威夷参加冲浪比赛,没想到一个著名的冲浪运动员突然失踪,与此同时,他们也面临着火山爆发的危险。史酷比必须把这些奇怪的事情拼凑到一起,追寻线索,查出事情的真相……Shaggy, Scooby-Doo, and the Mystery Inc. gang hit the bodacious be...


剧情: Stewie是个癫狂的宝贝天才,当他看到电视上有人长的几乎与他一样时,他开始为他统治世界的计划而忧心忡忡。在确信那人是他真正的父亲后,他开始了穿越全国的旅行去寻找他。不过Stewie难以置信的旅行让他更加发觉尿布里的东西的恶心和令人憎恶……The major sub-plot circles around th...

Buckaroo: The Movie

剧情: 美国 2005-09-15  2005


剧情:   我们的主人公是个叫玛德的小鸡。这个可爱的小家伙的胆子和他的身材一样的小。而且,视力不怎么样的他还戴着一副看上去十分滑稽可笑的大眼镜。这也成了众多伙伴们嘲笑他的原因之一。不过,表面看上去勇敢的玛德却总是想要证明自己的能力并努力树立自己的威信。首先要做到的,就是要引起大家的注意,于是,他加入了镇上组织的棒球队。一次...


Tales from Beyond

剧情: When a trendy young couple enter a quaint-looking antiquarian bookstore seeking a present for their friend, they find more than they bargained for. A mysterious...

TV's Greatest Cars

剧情: 英国 2004-12-23  2004

The Fairly OddParents in: Channel Chasers

剧情: Timmy wishes for a magic remote control that will allow him to travel inside television, despite being grounded and facing pressure from his parents not to watc...


剧情: 匈牙利 2005-11-29  2005|法国 2005-09-01  2005|加拿大 2004-07-20  2004|美国 2004-03-07  2004Dr. Harryhausen: But even here in the jungle I can hear my...

"The Batman"

剧情: A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run lo...

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