电影网>明星资料馆>David Doyle



Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again

剧情: The classic comic book characters created by John L. Goldwater are brought to tv in a slightly older version. Here the characters are adults returning to their ...

Wings of Fame

剧情: A famous movie actor (Peter O\'Toole) claims that he has written a book. As result, a real author, not a very well known writer, vengenfully kills him but then ...


Ghost Writer

剧情: A writer moves into a Malibu beach house, and comes up against the ghost of an actress who supposedly had committed suicide there 30 years previously, but had b...


Maybe Baby

剧情: For a happily married man changes his life completely and he finds himself in distress when his wife decides to have a baby after several years of marriage. W...


剧情: Late on Guy Fawkes Day, 1892, Oscar Wilde arrives at a high-class brothel where a surprise awaits: a staging of his play \"Salome,\" with parts played by prosti...


The Invisible Woman

剧情: 美国 1983-02-13  1983



剧情: 时值美国内战爆发前夕,约翰和家人生活在平静的南方农场里,但是喜欢画画的约翰按奈不住对外面世界的向往,一心想出去闯荡一番事业,征得父母的同意后,他投奔了远在北方开报社的姨父,一年后,内战即将爆发,南北的冲突日益剧烈,两边都在招兵买马,约翰的两个哥哥已经加入了南方联军,此时的约翰选择了北方,但是他也不想为北方而战,他所要做...


The Line

剧情: 芬兰 1982-09-02  1982|西德 1985-02-15  1985|东德 1986-01-24  1986

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