电影网>明星资料馆>Jacques Herlin



Train d'enfer

剧情: This movie starts with three men arrested for disorderly conduct at a dance. After they are released, they take a train trip, vent their continuing anger on a y...


剧情: A young actress, thought to be easy and have no morals, gathers three former school chums to find out which is her mother. Much of the movie takes place in flas...



剧情: 根据一部1953年的美国小说改编,讲一个码头工人杰拉尔的妹妹被人强奸后自杀,她的血液一直流进小巷深处路旁的阴沟里,此时一轮明月当空照着。杰拉尔怀念妹妹,想到要报仇,寻找出强奸她的人。期间,年轻而富有的美丽女子洛莱塔经常驾车到港口边的贫民区来。他们俩偶尔相遇了。当看到自己房前的广告牌上写着“试试另一个世界”时,杰拉...

Guerra del ferro - Ironmaster, La

剧情: A tale that takes place at the dawn of history. The movie tells the story of a tribe that discovers how to fashion weapons out of iron and use them for their ow...


剧情: 本片描述一位拥有实权的意大利将军被刺杀,意大利反情报组织负责侦查事件的真相.经过反情报组织成员的艰苦侦查,他们发现有一个秘密组织企图推翻政府,经过一番激烈的争斗,反情报部门终於消灭了这个组织。全片对人物和地点的处理都欠缺真实感,情节发展随意,加上明信片式的取景,把一群演技派的明星都糟蹋了。此片演员还有克里斯托夫.李、伊...

Plem, Plem - Die Schule brennt

剧情: 西德 1983-08-26  1983


Ciao nemico

剧情: Sicilia 1943, after the landing, between the invading Us army and the defender Italian army, a 2000 years old roman bridge resist to all kind of attacks. Both t...

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