电影网>明星资料馆>Chester Erskine



The Invincible Six

剧情: 丹麦 1970-11-13  1970|瑞典 1970-12-09  1970|芬兰 1971-03-05  1971



剧情: 罗伊.罗兰导演的悬疑谋杀片,老牌女星芭芭拉.史丹妃饰演一名住在洛杉矶的妇人,在夏夜偶然从卧室的窗边看到乔治.桑德斯谋杀一名女子,但当她报警前来调查时却找不到尸体。原来凶手是一名历史小说作家,死者是他的情妇,因为阻碍了他跟一名贵妇的婚姻而遭杀害。当桑德斯查出史丹妃是检举他的人,乃悄悄潜入她家中制造假证据,诬陷她精神不正常...


Split Second

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   Sam Hurley, "Nation\'s No. 1 killer" with a cold contempt for "heroes," escapes prison with two companions and takes a mixed bag of ho...

Androcles and the Lion

剧情: Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion\'s teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn f...


A Girl in Every Port

剧情: After two sailors are conned into buying a lame race-horse, they go ashore to sort out the problem, but when they realise that the horse is one of a pair of ide...


剧情: When Mrs. Tremayne is mysteriously poisoned with gas, ambulance driver Frank Jessup meets her refined but sensuous stepdaughter Diane, who quickly pursues and i...


剧情: In squeaky-clean New York at the turn of the century, playboy Charlie Hill falls so much in love that he can walk on air. The object of his affections is beauti...


Take One False Step

剧情: Prof. Andrew Gentling, in Los Angeles to help found a new college, is inveigled by old flame Catherine Sykes into a midnight drive. Next day Catherine is missin...



剧情: All My Sons tells the story of Joe Keller, a successful, middle-aged, self-made man who has done a terrible and tragic thing: during World War II, rushing to me...

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