



剧情: Genoa, 1945. The war is over but not for 4 partisans who still try to capture the remaining fascists. They are not satisfied with the concept of justice that th...

Nessuno mi crede

剧情: 意大利 1992-05-15  1992


Willy Signori e vengo da lontano

剧情: Willy gets involved in a car accident. The girlfriend of the man killed in the accident, who is waiting for a baby, blames Willy. So he decides to care for her ...


Appuntamento a Liverpool

剧情: Caterina lavora e vive a Cremona con la madre. Sta cercando di dimenticare la morte del padre avvenuta sotto i suoi occhi tre anni prima, nello stadio di Bruxel...


Ragazzo del pony express, Il

剧情: A youth who has recently graduated can\'t find a job. One day he unintentionally snatches a bag from a girl and buys a motorbike with the \"proceeds\" of the th...


Fracchia contro Dracula

剧情: Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house within three days, or otherwise his boss will fire him. Mister Filini comes to him, but he asks the impossible, a ...


Bon roi Dagobert, Le

剧情: 法国 1984-08-22  1984|意大利 1984-10-25  1984|西德 1985-09-19  1985|匈牙利 2006-12-02  2006


Sapore di mare

剧情: 匈牙利 1985-12-12  1985

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