电影网>明星资料馆>Phil Fondacaro




剧情: 版本一: 讲述Willow是身材矮小的Nelwvn族人,他们大部分是农人和矿工,生活在一块平静的中立地区,但是围绕在他们四周的土地却是战火连连。一天,Willow无意中捡到能够破坏女巫魔力的女婴,于是他便负起护送女婴前往正义城堡的使命。虽然征途遥远,而且女巫还派精兵沿途搜掠追杀,幸而得到族人武士以及两个小妖精...


The Garbage Pail Kids Movie

剧情: Seven disgusting kids but nevertheless of interesting personality are being made of the green mud coming out of garbage can. Once alive their master gives them ...

Steele Justice

剧情: 美国 1987-05-08  1987|西德 1987-07-24  1987


剧情:   \"鬼食人\" 再度登场,并且比以前更厉害,当中发生更多不可思议的事件...奈吉尔收到最后警告,不伦他在恐怖屋中的演出如何出色或如何骇人,他的恐怖屋都要永远关门,他为挽救恐布屋,于是邀请了一班不速之客来营造气氛,可是他们原来是一群恶魔,把恐怖屋变作自己的游乐场,并大肆破坏,如果你不怕,你也一同来恐怖屋玩耍...

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Encounter at Farpoint

剧情: In the first "Star Trek" story set in the 24th Century, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the commander of the new Federation flagship, the fifth U.S.S. Enterp...


Fuzz Bucket

剧情: 美国 1986-05-18  1986Stevie: Aren\'t you a little old for an imaginary friend? Michael Gerber: Aren\'t you a little old for a padded bra? Mi...


剧情: An evil troll, Torok, the transformed state of the ex-husband of an old friendly witch named Eunice St. Clair, has chosen her apartment building to be the heart...


剧情: In futuristic Los Angeles, a crime-fighting organization known as Condor goes up against the Black Widow, a female master criminal. The Black Widow steals the n...

Invaders from Mars

剧情: In this remake of the classic 50s SF tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked sch...


American Drive-In

剧情: 西德 1985-09-19  1985Mike: You pooed on me and I like it!

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