电影网>明星资料馆>Richard Fréchette



"Simonne et Chartrand"

剧情: The series Simonne and Chartrand tells the true story of a couple who marked the Quebec society by disputing it, in the name of an ideal of justice. The life of...


剧情: 意大利 1999-12-01  1999|捷克 1999-11-12  1999|英国 1999-04-09  1999|瑞典 1999-02-04  1999|加拿大 1998-08-27...

L'âge de braise

剧情: 法国 1998-07-29  1998 (Toronto Film Festival)|加拿大 1998-09-17  1998


Mille merveilles de l'univers, Les

剧情: 瑞典 2000-12-15  2000|冰岛 1999-09-26  1999|芬兰 1999-01-16  1999|葡萄牙 1998-09-19  1998|法国 1997-07-23&...


Joyeux Calvaire

剧情: 美国 1996-11-29  1996|加拿大 1996-12-06  1996

Polygraphe, Le

剧情: Lucie Champagne is given the role of the victim, Marie-Claire, in a film of a true, unsolved murder. By coincidence, Lucie\'s neighbour Francois, was Marie-Clai...


Sphinx, Le

剧情: A school teacher falls in love with a stripper/singer. He even leaves his wife and children for her. He soon spends a lot of time at the club where he works par...


剧情:   父亲过世,皮耶返家奔丧,心里挂念着失去联络,由父母收养的哥哥马克。过着双性恋混乱生活的马克欲查身世之谜,皮耶决心帮助哥哥完成心愿。影片另一时空是1952年希区考克到魁北克借教堂场景拍摄电影《忏情记》,两部片中的神父都卷入了神秘的不可告人事件,当年的丑闻似乎是马克寻找血缘的关键。在剧场界富盛名的勒帕吉,初执导筒即一鸣...

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