电影网>明星资料馆>Manrico Gammarota



Precisione del caso, La

剧情: 意大利 2001-06-22  2001



剧情: 瑞士 2001-03-15  2001|意大利 2000-03-24  2000


剧情: 剧情简介萝莎是个平凡的主妇,多年来,做为一个妻子和母亲,不但丈夫、孩子忽略她,连自己都遗忘了自己的的存在。在一次前往希腊的家庭旅行中,途中休息时,游览车开走了,而她的丈夫和孩子竟然都没发现她没上车!于是,她被放鸽子了!  生命最伟大的转捩点通常以最平淡无奇的形式发生-或许是一场邂逅,或是一段令人匪夷所思的巧合-命运,因...


Sono positivo

剧情: A Southern Italian family is suddenly faced with AIDS. One of them has it. Which friend or family member could have begun this cycle of infection? The character...


Estate di Davide, L'

剧情: At 19, David has his diploma (the first in his family), a job at a car wash, and little else. His family is broke and argues constantly. So, unannounced, David ...

Nicholas' Gift

剧情: Fact based drama about an American couple on vacation in Italy in 1994 with their two children who are attacked and shot by highway bandits. Shortly they discov...


In barca a vela contromano

剧情: Massimo un giovane laureato senza lavoro. Accetta l\'incarico di controllare, in un ospedale pubblico, il traffico di posti-letto nello stesso ospedale, organi...

Acrobate, Le

剧情: A study of the friendship between two contemporary Italian women. One is a pharmacist from the affluent North East, while the other is an impoverished shop assi...


Segreto di stato

剧情: A bomb blows up in Milan and five people die. After only three hours Ravida, the chief of the Secret Service, knows the name of the killer and that of his chief...

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