


Deacons for Defense

剧情: The words "Black Power" bring back memories of names like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and Eldridge Cleaver, but in Bogalusa, LA a group of harasse...


Why Can't We Be a Family Again?

剧情: A portrait of a family preparing for a child welfare hearing in Brooklyn. Daniel and Raymond Jacobs have been in the care of their grandmother, Ursula, for seve...


剧情: 本片讲述了一个真实的故事,有一个住在德克萨斯州东部养老院的老人,他在死前将自己的身份转换为70年代的着名偶像明星猫王艾维斯·普莱斯利(布鲁斯·坎贝尔 饰),猫王1977年死于吸毒过量。   不久后,艾维斯却又心猿意马想恢复本尊,他找到伙伴杰克(奥西·戴维斯 饰),另一名疗养院的老人。杰克是个非裔美国...

Inside TV Land: African Americans in Television

剧情: Inside TV Land: African Americans in Television explores the impact of African Americans, both in front of and behind the camera, in three installments covering...


Voice of the Voiceless

剧情: A documentary presenting the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, an award-winning journalist on death row, whose conviction for murder has inspired a worldwide appeal for ...

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