


"Cubix: Robots for Everyone"

剧情: 英国 2002-09-08  2002|美国 2001-08-11  2001


剧情: 一个宠物精灵研究家史本瑟.海利教授,正在专注于一个名叫安奥的宠物精灵的研究。拥有强大力量而又难以捉摸的安奥,由26个象字母一样的神秘图案所组成,它们的神奇力量在于能够把人的想法和梦境变成现实,但这种现实一个与我们完全隔绝的世界。这种神奇力量突然把教授带到了另一个世界,就如同两年前研究安奥时他妻子消失一样。而他们的女儿莫...

Jinshin yugi

剧情: Anything you want... for a price. The Trainer will shape any woman into the culmination of your most erotic fantasies. Watch the parade of beautiful females tha...


"Oja majô doremi"

剧情: Ojamajo Doremi is the story about a girl by the name of Doremi Harukaze and her friends as they learn magic. Doremi is the main star of the show, for it was her...

"Ima, soko ni iru boku"

剧情: A Japanese boy named Shu tries to save a strange girl, Lala Ru, from kidnappers and is transported to an alternate Earth on the brink of being swallowed by the ...

Kuro no dansho

剧情: Plagued by a string of gruesome occult murders, the inhabitants of an isolated resort turn to one another for comfort. But each hides a shameful past and forbid...


剧情: 剧情简介在某个海岛小渔村长大。和暂驻在渔村的大海盗红发撒古斯感情很好,于是一心想成为海盗。眼下的疤痕就是为了显示自己够狠自己用刀划的(果然够狠,汗)。可是路飞7岁时糊里糊涂的吃了海盗们抢来的恶魔果实――橡皮果实,从此再也学不会游泳。这样还能成为海盗吗?路飞的答案是――只要不掉到海里就可以了(听上去好像很有道理,可是&h...

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