电影网>明星资料馆>Pilar Gómez Ferrer



Corrida pour un espion

剧情: 西德 1965-08-13  1965|芬兰 1967-03-10  1967|瑞典 1967-11-20  1967


Chica del trébol, La

剧情: 西班牙 1964-05-11  1964

Nueva Cenicienta, La

剧情: 西班牙 1964-09-12  1964

Gritos en la noche

剧情: Dr. Orlof, a former prison doctor, abducts beautiful women from nightclubs and tries to use their skin to repair his daughter\'s fire-scarred face. He is assist...

Extraño viaje, El

剧情: Paquita and her brother Venancio, both single and childish, live in a small town near Madrid. Their bossy eldest sister Ignacia, also an old maid, dominates the...


Del rosa al amarillo

剧情: 西班牙 1963-09-05  1963

Los guerrilleros

剧情: 西班牙 1963-02-05  1963

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