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Splatter Disco

剧情: 美国 2007-08-11  2007 (Rhode Island International Film Festival)

Uchuujin from Outer Space

剧情: The earth is about to be exterminated by a huge army of aliens so deadly that you would Poo Poo ya pants if you saw then. The plant\'s only hope lies with a Sup...


剧情: 本片灵感来源于加州历史上最声名狼藉的谋杀悬案。   1947年,22岁的姑娘伊莉莎肖·特白(米娅-科什纳饰)来到繁华的都市洛杉矶。和许多年轻女孩一样,她最大的梦想是成为一名电影演员。但她的容貌还没有美丽到第一眼就引起别人的注意。她有长长的头发,喜欢去酒吧和夜总会,相信爱和浪漫的事情,把大量的时间花在化妆上。不久,她便...


剧情: 由山姆(爱德华福隆 饰)和娜迪雅(白灵 饰)带头的一群抢匪,在抢完银行后逃到一家小咖啡馆,打算挟持咖啡馆里的员工与顾客,与包围在外的团团警力对峙,却没想到有两个杀人不眨眼的职业杀手也在这群顾客之中。情势在瞬间急剧逆转,人质冒出了杀手,而抢匪竟成了无辜平民的活命希望,在没有人能预料下一秒发展的生死关头之际,他们必须突破重...



剧情: Two professional thieves break into a house in search of a safe, only to discover a man beaten beyond recognition, tied down to torn mattress in a hidden room. ...

Legend of the Sandsquatch

剧情: 美国 2006-10-13  2006Sue: It must be the hypnotic powers that have you forgetting!

Die and Let Live

剧情: When Benny tries to impress his crush Stephanie by throwing a party (with the help of his friend Smalls), he finds himself in quite a dilemma: a nearby medical ...

Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill!

剧情: 荷兰 2007-04-21  2007|美国 2006-08-04  2006



剧情: Troma影业公司已成立三十余年,领导人是Lloyd Kaufman和Michael Herz,后者担任制片人职务,前者则是集制片、编剧、导演、演员于一身的全才。Troma的传奇实际上也可以看作是Lloyd Kaufman的个人传奇,是他主导了Troma的口味并坚持不懈地将公司发展壮大。1945年生于纽约的Ll...

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