电影网>明星资料馆>Chris Hebert




剧情: Winston Connelly wakes up in the middle of the night in an alley with no idea of how he got there. Nor does he know where in Los Angeles he is or why he is wear...

Dance 'Til Dawn

剧情: It\'s prom night and the kids of Hoover High will be having a night they will never forget. Popular girl Shelley ditches her prom and ends up spending the night...

Mortuary Academy

剧情: \"Police Academy\" clone, about some nerds who inherit an academy for morticians, which is run by a corrupt closet necropheliac. Of course, the most incompetent...


Fuzz Bucket

剧情: 美国 1986-05-18  1986Stevie: Aren\'t you a little old for an imaginary friend? Michael Gerber: Aren\'t you a little old for a padded bra? Mi...

Invaders from Mars

剧情: In this remake of the classic 50s SF tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked sch...



剧情: 美国 1985-01-26  1985|英国 1985-09-07  1985advertisement Man: I couldn\'t lie even if I wanted to. Kommander Nuveen Kroll:...


The Hoboken Chicken Emergency

剧情: Arthur is asked to pick up a bird for Thanksgiving dinner, so he brings home a 266-pound chicken named Henrietta. The family welcome her with open arms, but the...


剧情: 版本一: 亚历士罗根与母亲住在宛如一个大家庭的拖车社区,他的专长是玩一种叫〃星际战士〃的电动玩具。有一天他打破记录,变成该游戏的最高分记录保持人获得大家的热烈喝采,不料当天晚上便有个外星人出现,告诉他那台电动玩具是用来训练星际战士的模拟机,他想带亚历士到外太空去协助他阻止坏人入侵银河系。到了星际战士总...

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