电影网>明星资料馆>Barta Heiner




剧情: 1986年5月16日,在小,放牧Cokeville社区,王寅,大卫和多丽丝年轻挟持一个小学,几个小时之前引爆一枚炸弹在一个教室,每个老师和学生在学校举行。后的疯狂,罗恩·哈特利,那些孩子们在教室里,必须对抗他的怀疑和不信听到学生的目击者帐户奇迹般的,神圣的干预在危机期间。当悲剧罢工……你看到了什么?On May 16,...


Brigham City

剧情: Sheriff Wes Clayton is a compassionate lawman and a Mormon bishop in a quiet Mormon community called Brigham. The tranquil town is shaken to the core when a wom...


The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd

剧情: Although in America, Helam witnesses the star heralding the birth of Christ, and 33 years later he faithfully awaits the promised coming of The Messiah despite ...



剧情: 剧情简介路易斯本来有个幸福和乐的家庭,但当异教领袖史蒂芬向他的妻子卡萝鼓吹反政府言论后,路易斯的美满家庭顿时毁于一旦。卡萝为了追随史蒂芬,携子离开路易斯,身为农夫的路易斯试过各种合法的方式,试图带回他的孩子,但却徒劳无功。在别无计策后,路易斯只好雇用私家侦探,企图挽救他的决定。但这样真能要回他的妻与子吗?


Terror in the Family

剧情: Fifteen-year-old Deena Marten (Hilary Swank) wants the same freedom every teenager craves. But when she can\'t have her way, her rebellious temperament erupts i...

Face of Evil

剧情: On her wedding night, twenty-year-old Darcy Palmer (Tracey Gold) empties her fiancé\'s bank account and flees to New York City. Along the way, she tries robbing...


The Legend of Wolf Mountain

剧情: Three children are kidnapped by escaped convicts and end up in a forrest, where they are released. They then have to elude the convicts when they return. They a...


Split Infinity

剧情: [A.J. goes to the barn to be alone] Dewey: [whispers] A.J.? A.J? A.J.: Go away Dewey, I want to be alone. Dewey: [whispers] I love you. A.J.: What? ...

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