电影网>明星资料馆>Jürgen Hentsch



Doppeltes Dreieck

剧情: 德国 1999-10-11  1999

Schwarzes Blut

剧情: 德国 1999-04-26  1999

Mörderin, Die

剧情: 德国 1999-03-01  1999


剧情: 芬兰 2002-12-25  2002



剧情: The movie tells a true story in the life of well-known German actor Manfred Krug. Living in the German Democratic Republic he is forced to leave the country aft...

Mein Kind muß leben

剧情: 德国 1998-02-13  1998

Fette Welt

剧情: Munich, Germany. Homeless people live under bridges, in boxes, in the subway. A life that is hard but manageable for those who do not want to or who cannot leav...


Im Namen der Unschuld

剧情: 美国 1997-10-11  1997|阿根廷 1997-11-15  1997

Schlank bis in den Tod

剧情: 德国 1997-04-15  1997

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