电影网>明星资料馆>Paul Hertzberg



Little Miss Millions

剧情: For 9 year old Heather, having millions is misery! Stuck with a money-grubbing stepmother, Heather escapes to find her real mom. But Heather\'s stepmom isn\'t a...


976-EVIL 2: The Astral Factor

剧情: 英国 1992-04-08  1992Zuzu Bailey: Look, Daddy! Every time you hear a bell, a zombie takes us all to hell.


剧情: 德国 1993-04-08  1993

Dead On: Relentless II

剧情: Sam Dietz is a relentless cop who is trying to get over a serial killer\'s attack on his family in the last Relentless film. He is also trying to find the new k...

We're Talking Serious Money

剧情: Comedy about two misfit men who lose a borrowed ten grand from a mob kingpin and must flee from NY to LA, only to there get involved in a caper involving a vide...



剧情: 一个像嬉痞的怪男人,吃的恶心、穿的破烂...连女儿都敬而远之,又与妻子分散十年,朋友皆排斥之,经心理医师诊疗,重燃对生命的希望。在一次偶然的机会巧遇了自己的儿子却不自知中间经过重重波折,直到遇见他妻子···。之间的疯狂构成了一部可爱的画面与笑料。  <!--香港百视达-->美国 1990...


Say Yes

剧情: A rich man leaves all his money to his grandson on the condition that he must be married within 24 hours, otherwise the money will go to the boy\'s father. The ...


剧情: 版本一: 在美国洛杉矶的中国城内有着无恶不作的犯罪暴力组织,在霓虹灯下,亚洲来的游客穿织于这里的古董店。有一家含羞草咖啡馆,由一个退伍军人组成的家庭经营,主人本特总是在回忆着他二战中度过的岁月,店里真正工作由他的两个儿子来经营,他的儿子也是退伍军人,还在经受着越战恶梦的折磨。 这样一个紧密的家庭...

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