



剧情: 一印第安人发现其大自然家乡受到残暴贪婪的猎人所蹂躏,他不惜一切去保卫这土地, 走到文明社会宣扬他的信息,成为知名人士。但他却不能公开其以往的一切……Archie Grey Owl is a trapper in Canada in the early 1930s when a young Iroquois w...

Task Force: Caviar

剧情: 芬兰 2003-02-06  2003|加拿大 2000-08-21  2000


Revenge of the Land

剧情: Based on a book by Maggie Siggins this is a tale of greed, lust and tragedy set in Saskatchewan, Canada. Ambitious John Hawk cons the Indians of their land allo...


剧情:   警员罗云的世界突然变得灰暗当重凶组委他派去调查一宗青年凶杀案,因为他发现被杀害的竟是自己多年不见的亲生弟弟马田。罗云准备回程时,却害怕跟他父亲团聚。他父亲为前左翼革命份子,当年因反对罗云加入警队而月闹得关系不好。及后,罗云得悉机密资料跟他父亲及弟弟扯上关系,罗云决定自己把问题解决。他发现自己心底隐藏着暴力倾向,继而...

P.T. Barnum

剧情: This series illustrates the life and career of P.T. Barnum, America\'s greatest showman and promoter. Starting as a young man who managed an old woman who was s...

Running Home

剧情: Jules Daniels: How about 7AM? Matt "Spider" Strilecki: In the morning? Why so early? Jules Daniels: Well, you said you needed it by next week. The...


剧情: 十多年前在青春片潮流中风光一时的莫利.林沃德已人届中年,在本片中摇身一变成为高雅的古典音乐电台节目主持人,迷人的谈吐和优美的音乐为她带来了一些“听迷\"。其中,由克里斯.马尔基饰演的听迷陷入了一种狂恋状态而不能自拔,不惜将一切阻挡他亲近女主持人的不幸者逐一谋杀,最后连女主角也身陷危机。这种描写狂恋者偏执心理的故事几乎已...

"Beggars and Choosers"

剧情: A look behind the scenes of network television. Rob Malone is the president of LGT, a television network fighting for ratings, and usually losing. Taking up the...

"Cold Squad"

剧情: 法国 1999-11-21  1999|巴西 2002-03-12  2002

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