电影网>明星资料馆>Wallace Howe



The Milky Way

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   Timid milkman, Burleigh Sullivan (Lloyd), somehow knocks out a boxing champ in a brawl. The fighter\'s manager decides to build up the milkman\'s repu...


Movie Crazy

剧情: Harold Hall, an accident prone young man with little or no acting ability, desperately wants to be in pictures. After a mix-up with his application photograph, ...


Good Cheer

剧情: 美国 1926-01-10  1926


The Whole Truth

剧情: 美国 1923-11-04  1923

Dogs of War

剧情: 美国 1923-06-10  1923 (New York City, New York)|美国 1923-07-01  1923

Why Worry?

剧情: Harold Van Pelham (Lloyd) is a hypochondriac, rich businessman who sails to the tropics for his \'health.\' Instead of the peace and seclusion he is seeking, he...


剧情: 默片时代,代表美国中产阶级乐天派的哈罗德.罗依德,被尊为与卓别林和巴士达基顿并列的三大谐星之一,本片即为其最知名的代表作。在本片中,罗依德扮演一名百货公司的店员。该公司为了商业宣传,请了一位特技演员前来表演从楼下爬到大楼屋顶的绝技,不料那位特技演员途中与交通警员发生了纠纷而无法赶到。百货公司为了向围观的群众有所...



剧情: Always the mama\'s boy, or in this case a grandma\'s boy, Sonny joins a posse after a tramp accused of robbery and murder. He is unable to conquer his cowardice...

Dr. Jack

剧情: 美国 1922-11-26  1922|芬兰 1924-04-02  1924


Among Those Present

剧情: 美国 1921-05-29  1921advertisement Mrs. O'Brien, the Mother: Your idea of high society is to sit on the top porch with your shoes off...

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