电影网>明星资料馆>D.L. 休利 D.L. Hughley



Bitter Jester

剧情: What is Bitter Jester? Is it a comedy? Is it a tragedy? Actually, it\'s both of these, and some we can\'t even define. MAIJA DIGIORGIO is a volatile New York co...

"Real Time with Bill Maher"

剧情: 美国 2003-02-21  2003Bill Maher: New Rule: Stop whining about the French. It takes a lot of guts to stand up to the Bush administration and that\'s...

VH1 Big in 03

剧情: 美国 2003-11-30  2003

Uncensored Comedy: That's Not Funny!

剧情: 美国 2003-06-08  2003


剧情: 再次面临邪恶,加杰特侦探也被配置了更奇特的功能,更多的机关,随之而来的也是更有趣的续集《G型神探 2》。当Riverton一切恢复平静时,又有不幸的事情发生了,加杰特侦探被吊销执照,克劳博士逃出监狱后,在密谋一项“世纪之罪”的计划。全新改良的女机器人G2问世了,她会不会给我们的英雄添乱呢?灾祸接踵而至,加杰特...


剧情: 剧情简介三位女人认为她们都找到了自己的白马王子。  对于纽约的女继承人帕特里夏(Patricia,杰西-维拉斯奎兹饰,JaciVelasquez)来说,“他”是个疯狂的冒险者,使她从母亲烦人的说教中解脱出来。对于芝加哥的洛雷纳(Lorena,罗塞莉-桑切斯饰,RoselynSanchez)来说,“他”身上的每一个细胞都...


Inside TV Land: African Americans in Television

剧情: Inside TV Land: African Americans in Television explores the impact of African Americans, both in front of and behind the camera, in three installments covering...

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