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剧情:     广告人越疯狂,做出的广告就越有笑点。某广告公司的文案编辑Emory Leeson(达德利·穆尔扮演),发现自己只能想出老实的广告文案之后,被公司送进了精神病院。然而讽刺的是,他的这种直言不讳的文案风格却大受欢迎,并开始和精神病院中的“疯子”们一起合作,写出更多既实在又疯狂得让人拍案叫绝的文案。 以...


剧情: 在不太遥远的未来,信奉原教旨主义的军人统治着美国。他们严格奉行清教主义,把国名改为吉利德共和国。凯特和丈夫卢克外逃时凯特被抓住,卢克被打死,他们的女婴吉尔也被夺走了。此时,吉利德共和国因环境污染,能生育的妇女已经很少,凯特即是他们中的一个。她被送到一个专门训练“女仆”的中心,并按照要求为共和国生育。以后,她将被...


Little Monsters

剧情: A child meets the monster that lives under his bed. He even becomes one of his best friends. Soon the child discovers a whole new world of fun and games under h...


剧情: The young owner of a waxworks in Hollywood receives five instead of six ordered chests with Romanian antiques. He does not know that Vanessa, widow of Count Dra...

Terror on Highway 91

剧情: Deputy Clay Nelson is a young deputy who got the job he always wanted, a police officer for his town. However, soon after he begins, he learns of the ways of ho...

The Ryan White Story

剧情: The story of Ryan White, a 13-year-old haemophiliac who contracted AIDS from factor VIII, which was used to control this disorder. Written by美国 1989-01-1...



剧情: When Mary Ashley is aproached to become ambassador of the United States of America in Rumania she does not take the offer because her husband does not want to g...

Too Young the Hero

剧情: The true story of Calvin Graham who at the age of twelve, but looking quite a lot older, succeeded in joining the navy during World War II. In spite of his youn...


剧情: 美国 1988-03-27  1988Abraham Lincoln: There is nothing more like eternity than a train ride of eleven days, unless it\'s two people and a ham. ...

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