电影网>明星资料馆>Victor Izay




剧情: 人到中年,无论是身体、家庭或是事业,似乎都经历着一场严峻的考验,尤其是对于无论在社会还是在家庭中都承担着更重要的任务和角色的男人们。然而,在这样的考验中,男人们也似乎都有着各自不同的解决办法。伍迪、道格、鲍比和杜德雷4人是多年的好友,最近他们都先后陷入了这样或那样的困境当中:脾气急躁的伍迪在朋友眼中是个幸福的男...


Gunsmoke: The Long Ride

剧情: 美国 1993-05-08  1993[last lines] [Matt speaks over Joe and Jane\'s graves] Matt Dillon: I guess you can see it clear now, John... you and Jan...


Brotherhood of the Gun

剧情: After the Civil War, reb sharpshooter Zack Hollister joins Weir\'s outlaw gang. After a sucessful train robbery, he and his brother end up in a gunfight with We...



剧情: 在一个没有法律又充满暴力的年代,一个英国商人手下有六位年轻流浪汉,为了自己的家园,为了报仇,在法律无法制裁凶手时,六个人毅然向那批杀人犯宣战,从此展开一场无法回头的战斗。1878 in New Mexico: John Tunstall picks up young gun men from the road ...


Little House: Look Back to Yesterday

剧情: After production ended on the long-running "Little House on the Prairie" series, three made-for-TV movies helped wrap up the series. The first of these,...


Blood Song

剧情: A psychopath escapes from a mental institution and starts a murder spree, which ends in the pursuing of a young handicapped girl, who once got a blood transfusi...



剧情: After a senator suddenly dies after completing (and sealing) an investigation into the nuclear power industry, the remaining senator and the state governor must...

Flight to Holocaust

剧情: 美国 1977-03-27  1977


Columbo: Fade in to Murder

剧情: Ward Fowler is an actor of a soap opera and his character is Detective Lucerne. His producer is Claire Daley, once his lover and now his blackmailer. Fowler dec...

Columbo: Now You See Him

剧情: The Great Santini, a successful Los Angeles night-club illusionist, is really an ex-Nazi named Stefan Mueller. When his employer, Jesse Jerome, threatens to rev...

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