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剧情:   根据真实案件改编,20世纪最令人震惊恐怖的谋杀案之一。知名导演朱里安.杰拉德执导,曾执导《小红帽》《成为简.奥斯丁》《故园风雨后》等著名影视剧。   《保持对话》是谋杀案三部曲终结篇(前两部是《非礼勿视之沼泽谋杀》,《约克郡里帕的亨特》),由ITV根据真实故事改编。全剧共两集,每集90分钟。Janet是一位协助...


Footprints in the Snow

剧情: Paralysed from the waist down after a car crash, Julie Hill struggles to get used to her disability and to save her marriage. It looks as if her husband will le...

Walk Away and I Stumble

剧情: Andy Spader has been happily married for 13 years, with two teenage children, when he meets a younger woman, Claire Holmes, after going to investigate a break-i...

The Government Inspector

剧情: 芬兰 2006-10-31  2006|德国 2005-06-24  2005|法国 2005-06-24  2005|英国 2005-03-17  2005Dr. David Kelly: I do...


"Trevor's World of Sport"

剧情: 澳大利亚 2005-02-08  2005|英国 2003-08-15  2003


The Falklands Play

剧情: Twenty years ago, Britain went to war to regain the Falkland Islands. The Falklands Play is a gripping account of how Margaret Thatcher\'s government handled th...


剧情: 剧情简介阿里原本只是英国史丹斯市西区的帮派混混,结果他特立独行的行事作风却被声势日渐下滑的英国首相视为救星,歪打正著地成为议员候选人,并顺利当选。搞怪大胆的阿里为保守的英国国会带来极大的震撼,颠覆了许多政坛成规;更因为他的机智,英国免于落入奸人手中……


"The Cazalets"

剧情: 英国 2001-06-22  2001

The Hunt

剧情: A story of love, sex, seduction and violent death, set against the backdrop of a battle amongst the hunting fraternity. Sarah Campbell is a woman ostracised by ...


All the King's Men

剧情: Feature-length drama about the mystery of Sandringham Company, which disappeared in action at Gallipoli in 1915. Commanded by Captain Frank Beck, their estate m...

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