


In Broad Daylight

剧情: The fanatically uncompromising Len Rowan and his family insult and terrorize the citizens of a small town for years. One day the comment of a saleswoman about L...


Dark Avenger

剧情: 美国 1990-10-11  1990

Shattered Dreams

剧情: Charlotte marries John. Things seem ok; John has a good job and he\'s going up in the world, working for the government. But every so often he loses his temper ...


剧情: 以美苏冷战为故事背景的影片,随着苏联解体的政治现实而没落,这部为有线电视而制作的电视电影应属于最后的一批同类作品。故事改编自畅销小说,描述苏联境内一城镇遭叛军发射导弹攻击,他们的领导人却误以为罪魁祸首是美国。恰好在当时中苏发生冲突,苏联向中共发射导弹,美国误以为是苏联的报复行动,要引发核子战争。美国国内出现了主战派和主...

Family of Spies

剧情: Fact based story of John A. Walker, Jr., a Navy chief petty officer with access to top secret cryptographic communications. As a result of mounting debts, he so...


剧情: 伊琳娜的父亲,偏激的理想主义者,二次大战时曾参与纳粹大屠杀,伊琳娜一直不知此事,某日带麦克回家见父亲佛洛林安排婚姻大事,佛洛林对麦克颇不顺眼,有意阻止他们的婚事,正巧麦克出游,碰上前来向佛洛林寻仇的集中营受害遗属,麦克得之实情后,展开调查,才发现佛洛林是个恶贯满盈的杀人魔王,佛洛林知道麦克暗中调查而派人追杀,欲杀人灭口...

"Beverly Hills, 90210"

剧情: 美国 1990-10-04  1990 (re-release)|瑞典 1991-04-07  1991|芬兰 1991-09-05  1991|丹麦 1992-03-23  1992|日本 ...


The Outside Woman

剧情: Based on real facts, this story portrays the physical and emotional isolation of two individuals and the futility of their attempt to escape it. Joyce Mattox, a...

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