电影网>明星资料馆>John Kelly



Trail to Vengeance

剧情: 美国 1945-06-01  1945

That Night with You

剧情: 美国 1945-09-28  1945|瑞典 1945-12-10  1945|芬兰 1947-01-17  1947

Nob Hill

剧情: 美国 1945-06-13  1945 (San Francisco, California)|美国 1945-07-13  1945 (Los Angeles, California)|澳大利亚 1945-11-15  1945...

The Blonde from Brooklyn

剧情: 美国 1945-06-21  1945


剧情: Boisterous nightclub entertainer Buzzy Bellew was the witness to a murder committed by gangster Ten Grand Jackson. One night, two of Jackson\'s thugs kill Buzzy...


Summer Storm

剧情: 美国 1944-07-14  1944|瑞典 1945-04-14  1945|丹麦 1948-01-12  1948|法国 1948-05-19  1948


剧情: Hypochondriac Danny Weems gets drafted into the army and makes life miserable for his fellow GIs. He\'s also lovesick when it comes to pretty Mary Morgan, unawa...

Once Upon a Time

剧情: Smalltime crookster and showman Jerry Flynn is desperately searching for a new act to promote in order to save him from ruin. He meets a boy on the street who c...


剧情: 本片是是福克斯公司出品的系列经典战争片之一,反映二战中珍珠港事件后,美国出动航母引诱日本作战以及其舰载轰炸机飞行员英勇作战的故事。尽管大部分情节及人物均为虚构,但由于在拍摄过程中场景逼真,部分镜头还采用真实的战场纪录片手法,使该片具有很强的感染力,成为二战中激励美国人民士气的一部经典爱国电影,该片中的很多情节伴随着那一...


It's a Great Life

剧情: 美国 1943-05-27  1943advertisement Dagwood: Sometimes I think that horse understands everything I say. Blondie: Then he\'s smarter than...

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