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Dangerous Child

剧情: 美国 2001-07-16  2001

Tagged: The Jonathan Wamback Story

剧情: Tagged: The Jonathan Wamback Story is the true story of a teenage gang\'s attack on high school student Jonathan Wamback in Ontario, Canada. Following the attac...

Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot

剧情: They were more than Washington wives. They were part of an American dream known as Camelot. With strength and cunning they upheld their public image by conceali...


The New Adventures of Spin and Marty: Suspect Behavior

剧情: 法国 2002-01-26  2002|美国 2000-08-13  2000Spin Evans: In here. Marty Markham: Are you nuts? You don\'t hide from a killer in a cof...


剧情: George Romero\'s latest film (his first since \"The Dark Half\") is about a man who one day wakes to find that his face is now a smooth white, featureless mask....


Bad Money

剧情: A black comedy revolving around the humiliating lengths that people will resort to in order to get by in an unstable financial world from applying for welfare t...


剧情: 剧情简介本片是根据真实事件改编而成,由肥皂剧明星梅莉莎李维(MelissaReeves)和史考特李维(ScottReeves),饰演求子多年未果的夫妻贝琪和凯斯;在长年求孕不成的失望后,医生终于向他们宣布贝琪怀孕的喜讯,然而,准妈妈腹中所怀的竟然不只一个,而是五胞胎!得偿夙愿受孕的贝琪不顾多胞胎对其健康造成的威胁,以及...



剧情: 剧情简介如诗如画、平静和谐的居家环境人人爱,但你相信有这种地方存在吗?摇篮湾,就像它的名字一般,像摇篮那么的令人向往。史提夫在哥哥自杀之后,搬到这个洒满阳光的梦幻小镇。没有人酒后驾车、没有人嗑药、没有人自杀;青少年最常从事的活动是「社区服务」、「烤饼乾」和「考高分」。镇上有一群被称为「蓝丝带」的模范青少年,史提夫拒绝加...


Kitchen Party

剧情: A group of teenagers come together to indulge in that great Canadian pastime, the house-party, and find themselves literally confined to the kitchen trapped by ...

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