电影网>明星资料馆>John F. Kennedy



Rendezvous mit dem Tod: Warum John F. Kennedy sterben musste

剧情: 墨西哥 2006-06-23  2006|德国 2006-01-06  2006

Unknown Shores

剧情: 美国 2006-12-08  2006|加拿大 2006-10-21  2006

JFK's Women: The Scandals - Revealed

剧情: Documentary series exploring historical events. This programme focuses on John F Kennedy\'s alleged obsession with sex. It is claimed that his relationships wit...

Notes to Anarchism

剧情: The Found Footage-collage "notes to anarchism" is dealing with subjects out of the field of the theory of anarchism. Some subjects: Spanish civil war or...


剧情: 作为一位深知保密价值的爱国者,爱德华·威尔森(马特·达蒙饰)因童年的悲剧在心底根植入荣誉的情愫。1939年,正在耶鲁大学就读的热情而敏感的威尔森被秘密社团“骷髅会”看中,将他招募为会员。这是一个与美国政界、商界和教育界密不可分的学生组织,3位美国总统以及多位联邦大法官和大学校长都出自“骷髅会”。该组织之所以吸收...


What Goes Up

剧情: 美国 2005-04-12  2005

Patriot Act: A Jeffrey Ross Home Movie

剧情: Inspired by the passing of U.S.O. perennial Bob Hope, Friars Club roast-master Jeffrey Ross takes Drew up on an invitation to join the U.S.O. in their ongoing m...

The Presidents

剧情: 美国 2005-01-18  2005

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