电影网>明星资料馆>Adam Kotz




剧情: 这部影片讲述了荷兰著名画家伦勃朗的浪漫情事和职业生涯,并着重讲述了他的代表作《夜巡》的创作过程。伦勃朗一直是上流社会的肖像画家,他拥有接踵而至的订单,美满甜蜜的爱情。直到1642年他的妻子为他生下小儿子不久去世,生活开始大转折。随之而来的是因为为阿姆斯特丹射击手公会画家创作的集体肖像《夜巡》又被顾主告上法庭,使...


The Family Man

剧情: 芬兰 2007-02-24  2007|英国 2006-03-23  2006|瑞典 2007-04-28  2007


剧情: 在这部政治性很强的历史片中,也采用了同其他历史片一样的叙述方式,创造了尼古拉斯·哥瑞肯Nicholas Garrigan(詹姆斯·麦艾维James McAvoy饰)这个人物——一位著名医师。影片以医师与统治者的关系展开了叙述。1971年,为了逃避教会长老家庭给他带来极大的工作压力,尼古拉斯·哥瑞肯来到了乌干达,...


Messiah: The Harrowing

剧情: A woman stung to death by bees, two women hooked together like meat, a man starved to death in chains.... As the bodies mount up Red Metcalf (Ken Stott) and his...

Born with Two Mothers

剧情: 英国 2005-04-21  2005


Conejo en la luna

剧情: Though around them a criminal world seethes, Julie and Antonio are a young and loving couple with a new baby and a solid, white-collar sense of stability. But w...

Secret Passage

剧情: Isabel and Clara are growing up in a time of terror. It is 1492, and Spain has decreed that all Jews must either convert to Catholicism, go into exile or face t...



剧情: Carol receives a series of e-mails from "The Truth-Teller", claiming that Mark, her husband, is having an affair with his secretary. Mark is then implic...


剧情: "Alibi" is a thriller with a bit of romance and touches of black humour along the way. Greg (Michael Kitchen) is discovered with the dead body of his wi...


剧情: Clever adaptation of Chaucer\'s Canterbury to a modern setting. In Episode 1, The Miller\'s Tale, Nick Zakian attempts to seduce a landlord\'s wife with promise...

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