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The Defenders: Payback

剧情: E.G. Marshall returns as the head of the law firm that he portrayed in the 1961 to 1965 tv series. This time his partners are his son (Bridges) and his granddau...

Every 9 Seconds

剧情: A crisis line worker searches for an abused woman who calls the hotline proclaiming her revenge against her abusive ex-husband. In a second story, a teen who de...

Any Mother's Son

剧情: 美国 1997-08-11  1997


剧情: 三名越狱恐怖分子挟持一群聋哑学生为人质,要求当局无罪释放他们。FBI探员约翰带领特种部队全力营救人质,将三名恐怖分子围困在一座废弃工厂里。然而,丧心病狂的匪徒因要求得不到满足,竟然轮奸女学生,并威胁一分钟枪杀一名学生。当局面临难题,约翰得到聋哑老师米兰琳的帮助,利用哑语协助特警潜入工厂,击毙二名罪犯。但最后一名罪犯见机...


剧情: 剧情简介艾迪高曼及理查卢卡斯,一对不务正业的好朋友,只要在一起祸害危机就永远不断。他们受雇于贝瑞,某日老板要求他们去偏僻的\"马万\"收钱。那是个陷井,将陷入死亡的杀机中……



剧情: 剧情简介这部电视电影,透过一个逃亡故事来表现动人的母女亲情。剧情开始一宗性骚扰疑云,茱蒂相信前夫马克斯对他们的女儿莎曼珊行为不轨,但无法提出证据,法院乃判决夫妻两人拥有女儿的共同监护权。茱蒂决定违背法令带走莎曼珊,在反虐待儿童之友会的协助下改名换姓在各州之间逃亡。马克斯聘私家侦探追查两母女的下落,都被她们有惊无险地逃过...


剧情: 剧情简介道格是医学院的高材生,职棒经纪人争相打听的校园明星棒球员,图书馆、实验室、运动场及相交三年的女友萝拉占满全部的生活,当萝远行时,在一个宴会上,道格认识了茱莉莎,她全身上下才发散著萝拉所缺乏的味道,性感、挑逗、大胆主动道格与茱的整晚就在狂乱的激情中结束,但茱莉莎可不认为,萝拉回来了!茱莉莎开始紧迫盯人,24小时追...


Little Criminals

剧情: Des is an eleven year old kid who has had a really bad deal in life. Crime and mischief are the main staples of his life and he and his friends cruise around th...


剧情: Katie once left her parent\'s horse ranch behind her. Now, when her father is sick Katie has to return to the farm and Cass, now a grown man whom she had a crus...


I Know My Son Is Alive

剧情: Real-life husband and wife Corbin Bernsen and Amanda Pays play a couple whose life is torn apart by the disappearance of their new-born son. When a bloodstained...

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