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Mortuary Academy

剧情: \"Police Academy\" clone, about some nerds who inherit an academy for morticians, which is run by a corrupt closet necropheliac. Of course, the most incompetent...


剧情: 根据美国棒运史上着名丑闻案改编,由约翰.塞尔斯编导,并客串演出体育记者林拉德纳一角。剧情描述芝加哥白袜队的八名球员,在一九一九年的世界杯棒球比赛中放水,藉以取金钱上的利益,而在幕后操纵整个事件的则是一群赌徒。全片以十分细致的手法追踪丑闻的来龙去脉,将美国球界的黑幕娓娓道来,加上一些精彩的棒球比赛场面,对喜欢棒球...



剧情: 1927年,美国可顿汽车有限公司一辆时速为150公里的新车问世了。该公司老板为了占领国际汽车市场,决定派女儿迪儿(Dale)驾此车参加在撒哈拉沙漠举行的国际赛车,谁料,一场不幸的事故夺去了可贵的生命。临终前,他嘱咐女儿一定要在比赛中夺魁。迪儿忍着悲痛,带着父亲的嘱托。乔装成男子前往撒哈拉参赛。    比赛...


Spring Break

剧情: Stu & O.T. are two studs from the big city who arrive in Fort Lauderdale for spring break. They discover that the room they had reserved in an over-crowded ...


Tag: The Assassination Game

剧情: Pretending to do research for his newspaper, college student Alex Marsh teams up with the somewhat older Susan Swayze, who he long admired from afar. Susan part...

O'Hara's Wife

剧情: Workaholic attorney Bob O\'Hara (Asner) is devastated when his wife (Hartley) dies suddenly. She returns to \"haunt\" him, however, (a la \"Topper\") and her mi...


剧情: 这部影片是八十年代的一部拳击电影,是外国拳击片(西片),电影内容记得不是很清楚,但镜头很残酷血腥,根据印象,剧情是到打到最后上场的对手好像是叫“冰人”,眼睛被主角打瞎,反正眼睛里流血看不见了,最后出场的好像叫“疯子”,又踢又咬连裁判都揍,最后主角几乎被打得面目全非,惨不忍睹才勉强取胜打败“疯子”。 很血腥,很...

The Hearse

剧情: Jane Hardy decides to stay the summer in the house her aunt left her when she died, to try and recoup from a bad divorce. Little does she know, her aunt practic...

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