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Henry VI, Part Three

剧情: 英国 1983-01-16  1983Edward IV: Sound drums and trumpets! Farewell, sour annoy; For here I hope begins our lasting joy! Richard, Duke of Glouce...

Henry VI, Part One

剧情: 英国 1983-01-02  1983

The Tragedy of Richard the Third

剧情: Richard Duke of Gloucester, youngest brother of King Edward IV, will stop at nothing to get the crown. He first convinces the ailing King that the Duke of Clare...

Henry VI, Part Two

剧情: 英国 1983-01-09  1983Dick the Butcher: The first thing we do, let\'s kill all the lawyers.



剧情: 在另一个星球、另一个时空中,一千年前魔水晶遭到了破坏,从此造成了这个魔幻世界黑暗混乱的开始,千年后魔幻世界的三颗太阳将在天空中交会成一直线,如果在这个天文交会时期前,没有将缺陷的魔水晶复原完整的话,握有缺角魔水晶的邪恶史基斯一族将获的长生不老的机会,这样一来魔幻世界里的生物,将陷入万劫不复的地步,而唯一能阻止史...

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