电影网>明星资料馆>Marvin Loback



Down Memory Lane

剧情: 美国 1949-08-02  1949


Uncivil Warriors

剧情: Set in the civil war, the stooges are spies for the north. They impersonate southern officers and infiltrate the enemy ranks to get valuable information. On the...

Old Sawbones

剧情: 美国 1935-04-11  1935



剧情: 这部爱情喜剧发生在一个逃出家门的富家女和一个报纸记者之间。富家千金艾丽迷上飞行员金,因遭父亲反对而离家出走,在长途巴士上遇上丢了工作的记者彼得,艾丽为了搭便车愿意卖弄性感,而彼得跟她同房却要用毯子隔开。艾丽的父亲聘请私家侦探追查女儿行踪,并在报上刊登消息,彼得因而发现艾丽的身份。为了掌握住这条独家新闻,彼得沿途...

The Old Fashioned Way

剧情: The Great McGonigle\'s traveling theatrical troupe are staying at a boarding house. They are preparing to put on a production of "The Drunkard" (and do ...

Broadway Bill

剧情: Tycoon J.L. Higgins controls his whole family, but one of his sons- in-law, Dan Brooks and his daughter Alice are fed up with that. Brooks quits his job as mana...


The Fatal Glass of Beer

剧情: Mr. Snavely, a Yukon prospector, lost his only son years ago to the temptations of the big city; now the prodigal Chester, released from prison, comes home to M...

Sing, Bing, Sing

剧情: 美国 1933-03-24  1933 (re-release)

The Plumber and the Lady

剧情: 美国 1933-03-31  1933


False Impressions

剧情: 美国 1932-11-04  1932

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