电影网>明星资料馆>Jordan Lund



She's Back

剧情: Paul is a meek electrician who, with his nagging, dominating wife Beatrice, moves to a new house in a neighborhood stricken by a series of robberies. That night...

Fletch Lives

剧情: Fletch is a reporter for a Los Angeles newspaper, but he acts more like a detective. When an obscure relative leaves him a Louisiana mansion in his will, Fletch...

"Life Goes On"

剧情: 美国 1989-09-12  1989|英国 1993-01-08  1993


剧情: 版本一: 描述法兰里昂曾因故入狱,本来打算乖乖坐满刑期重新做人,不料临出狱前两周父亲突然病逝,而他申请两小时假释竟被严苛的典狱长拒绝,乃越狱奔丧,并因此被传媒捧成英雄。典狱长含恨在心,当法兰再次入狱时,他强奸了法兰的女友逼法兰越狱,以便名正言顺向他报复。 版本二:   模范犯人弗兰克•莱昂尼(西尔维斯...


剧情: Epic story about two former Texas rangers who decide to move cattle from the south to Montana. Augustus McCrae and Woodrow Call run into many problems on the wa...


剧情: 有一阵子好莱坞拍摄了不少“越战后遗症\"的电影,本片是其中较出色的一部。埃德.哈里斯饰演退伍美军,回到家乡跟妹妹凯西.贝克一起生活,并当汽车修理员维生。他的整副心思仍留在越南战地,因此变得沉默自闭。老战友罗伯特.德.尼洛来探望他,跟妹妹擦出了爱情火花,与此同时,则尽力刺激埃德隐藏在脑海深处的战争创伤,好让他早日...


The Trial of Bernhard Goetz

剧情: 美国 1988-05-11  1988

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