电影网>明星资料馆>William Mahoney




剧情: 美国 2004-04-14  2004 (First Run Film Festival)

Last Call

剧情: Setting: the singles scene at a futuristic pick-up bar. Portrait of guys and dolls on the make, fortified by martinis or cosmos as they desperately try to conne...


剧情: 美国 2004-06-11  2004


剧情: 剧情简介托德·安德森迎来了黯淡人生的重要转折,这个贫穷的黑小子以NBA状元秀的身份被新泽西网队选中并签下了高达3000万美金的合约,他的人生从此改变。托德的妈妈艾姆夫人告诫儿子不要忘本,处于人生的十字路口,转瞬间暴富的托德变得敏感而又脆弱。变成富翁的托德在白人居住区购买了一幢豪宅,他邀请了所有的亲朋好友来新家举行露天烤...


Little Erin Merryweather

剧情: Little Erin Merryweather begins in a small New England town on a college campus. A rash of murders alarms the campus and town. Striking similarities in the way ...



剧情: Greg Winters is a slacker city trucker whose whole life changes when he accidentally hits a jogger with his cargo truck in the middle of a deserted rural road. ...

The Locket

剧情: A young man taking care of his dying mother is distraught and grief-stricken when she finally passes away. On the advice of his doctor, he takes a job in an ups...


Magic Rock

剧情: When a beloved Summer Camp Director dies, the popular boys\' haven will be closed by the heartless Attorney who inherits it unless a dedicated young Camp Counse...

Mergers & Acquisitions

剧情: 美国 2001-07-13  2001


Other Voices

剧情: This end-of-the-millennium drama deals with the breakdown of communication, the loss of identity and the facelessness of corporate life. Phil and Anna are a you...

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