电影网>明星资料馆>Kelly Manison




剧情:  这是一个存在着魔法的世界,式森和树(坂口大助 配音)是一个不合格的魔法师,虽然出生于魔法世家,但他一生可以使用魔法的次数仅为8次,一旦次数用完,施术者便会变成幽灵。平凡的和树准备就这样度过他平凡的一生,直到某天,一个自称是他妻子的女孩出现在了他的面前。此女名为间宫夕菜,曾经是和数的亲梅竹马,而她此次前来的目的,居然是...



剧情: Kamina Ayato lives an ordinary life. He goes to school. He lives with his mother. He has schoolmates. But all of that changes one day when massive machines, kno...



剧情: Noir is a tale of assassins, in particular one named Mireiyu Buke, a contract killer who receives a message from a young girl with no memory about herself, but ...

Puni puni poemi

剧情: This is a 2-part OAV spin off of the Japanese anime series "Excel Saga". Shinichi Watanabe returns to deliver some of the most outrageous, outlandish, s...

"Shin shirayuki hime densetsu Prétear"

剧情: "Pretear" is about a 16 year old girl named Himeno who soon finds out she can become Pretear with the help of the Leafe Knights because of the power tha...

Slayers Premium

剧情: Lina and Gourry visited the town in a certain beach. In that town, a mysterious incident which is that the person who had eaten the octopus was not able to spea...


剧情: Twelve year old Misaki Suzuhara never thought of herself as a champion. She especially didn\'t think of herself as a fighter. That is, not until she came to Tok...


剧情:  一个名为“阿卡姆”的民间组织受到远古文明留下的讯息启发而成立。旨在保护及封印超古代文明的危险遗迹。加入“阿卡姆”的特殊工作人员,人们称之为SPRIGGAN。其中实力No.1的特工是一位叫作御神苗优(森久保祥太郎 配音)的十七岁少年。在土耳其的一次调查工作中,“阿卡姆”竟无意地发现了诺亚方舟。方舟隐藏着毁天灭地的神秘力...


Sin: The Movie

剧情: 美国 2000-10-24  2000

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