电影网>明星资料馆>Rosalind March




剧情: Night of the Lotus is a tragic love story that plays out like a thriller set across London and East Africa. Natalie (Adelaide Clemens) a young American woman su...



剧情: A young man turns up unannounced at a seemingly respectable family home. He has come with the news of the family\'s only son, Jack who went missing as a young t...

Ahead of the Class

剧情: Drama based on real-life events. Marie Stubbs, a diminutive Glaswegian headmistress who is coming up to retirement age, takes on one last challenge: to improve ...


The Second Coming

剧情: What if there was a Second Coming and the Son of God arrived on earth? What would he say? What would you do? Are you ready for Judgement Day? Steve Baxter, a vi...

"Poirot" Evil Under the Sun

剧情: After collapsing in front of his \'rival\' Japp, being rushed into hospital and diagnosed with a weight problem that could cause a heart problem, private societ...

Danielle Cable: Eyewitness

剧情: Dramatisation of the real-life road-rage killing in 1996 of Stephen Cameron by Kenneth Noye, who was also implicated in the Brinks Mat bullion robbery and the m...


剧情:   安妮(Annie)和克里斯(Chris)是约克郡瑞尔斯通镇的两名家庭主妇。她们是一对好朋友,同为当地妇女协会成员。安妮的丈夫约翰不幸死于白血病,在巨大的悲痛面前,安妮和克里斯决定说服协会里11名45至60岁之间的中年妇女脱下衣服拍摄一本裸体日历,将销售所得捐赠给白血病等血液病研究机构。   与色情日历不同,画...



剧情: A single mother is prescribed a controversial anti-depressant called Distral and quickly becomes dependant, but discovers that giving up the drug causes terribl...


剧情: 年幼时的尼古拉斯·尼克贝(查理·汉纳姆饰)享受着自由安逸的生活,父亲的突然死亡使一家人顿时陷入了赤贫,他们举家来到伦敦,寻求尼古拉斯的叔叔拉尔夫的帮助。    叔叔拉尔夫是一个冷酷而且利欲熏心的人。对于前来投奔的尼克贝一家,他只求能从他们身上最大程度的榨出油水来。    尼古拉斯被送进当地的一所学校,校长是拉尔夫的...

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