电影网>明星资料馆>Anndi McAfee



The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers

剧情: 美国 2007-02-27  2007|澳大利亚 2006-12-06  2006


The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses

剧情: While trying to obtain "Tree Sweets", Littlefoot into the tree and knocks down all the blossoms, which attract the tiny dinosaurs, Tinysauruses. They de...



剧情: 给了小猪韦伯很大帮助的蜘蛛夏洛蒂死了。但是留下了三个和她一样热心的孩子。她们和她们的妈妈一样和韦伯是好朋友。这次,牧场里来了一个新朋友,一只小羊,由于它的毛色是黑白而不是纯白的,所以遭到了牧场里其它羊的歧视。但是善良的韦伯很快就和这只小羊交上了朋友。可是正当这对好朋友在牧场里欢快地开始新生活的时候,牧场主却把小羊卖到了...

The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration

剧情: A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father...



剧情: 阿诺德是“尼可知识乐园”足球队的队长,生活在城市里的他喜欢将衬衣的下摆露在外面扮酷,他还是他们那片街区的少儿棒球明星。 阿诺德住在祖父母的公寓房里,周围还住着一大群怪异孤僻的人,只是不常来往。阿诺德有一位冷酷如冰的好朋友杰拉尔德,加上一位坚硬如钉、对他又爱又恨的女孩赫尔嘉,以及街区里其它的狐朋狗友...

The Land Before Time IX: Journey to the Big Water

剧情: When heavy rains create a mysterious "new water", Littlefoot sets off to explore the Great Valley. He quickly becomes friends with Mo, a prank-playing d...


"Lloyd in Space"

剧情: 法国 2001-10-27  2001|美国 2001-02-03  2001


剧情: 放暑假对于度日如年的熬过了一个学期的学生来说可是生活中最重要的事情了,对于第三街小学的孩子们来说更是如此。现在,他们终于得到解放,可以大玩特玩一番了。但是这个暑假他们过的一点也不轻松,不过却非常刺激。    正当T.J. 德维勒正盘算着如何和他那几个形影不离的伙伴们度过这段美好时光的时候,却发现朋友...

The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze

剧情: When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more foo...


The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire

剧情: Littlefoot and his pals set off in search of a "stone of cold fire" that fell from the night sky. Since he\'s the only one who has seen it though, nobod...

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