电影网>明星资料馆>Emer McCourt



Sunset Heights

剧情: Set sometime in the near future in an Ireland free of British rule, two ruling gangs come together over the abduction and death of several small boys. The most ...


剧情: Rachel discovers she is pregnant. Just as she is about to break the news to her stockbroker boyfriend Bill, he dumps her. Heartbroken and angry, Rachel takes Bi...


Boston Kickout

剧情: 芬兰 2002-11-19  2002|英国 1996-10-18  1996|西班牙 1995-09-19  1995



剧情: 肯.罗区是最擅长描写中下层社会的英国导演,本片让观众看到了建筑工人的真实面貌。这些生活在大都会底层的人们忍受着微薄的工资,为了糊口而辛勤地出卖劳力,有些人甚至连个睡觉的地方都没有,史特维就是个鲜明例子。他在出狱后从北部的格拉斯哥到伦敦找工作,结果在建筑工地找到了一份临时工。里班米克是个霸道的家伙,工人们得乖乖听命。史特...


London Kills Me

剧情: For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe... a young man\'s life is almost lost, which is exactly what this film is all about: a man barely twenty ...


The House of Bernarda Alba

剧情: A domineering,reclusive, and ostentatiously pious widow in a small Spanish town keeps such close watch on her daughters that they are unable to have normal soci...


Hush-a-Bye Baby

剧情: Gorreti begins a romance with Ciaran, at her evening Irish-language class. When Ciaran is arrested by the British army, Goretti realises that she is pregnant an...

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