电影网>明星资料馆>Michael James McDonald



In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful

剧情: When a wheelchair-bound wife dies from an apparent accident, her husband and his adult stepdaughter turn out to be lovers, who conspired to murder her. However,...


剧情: 第一次世界大战,德国空战英雄战机飞行员被击落,含恨殉职。1996年,他穿梭时空附身遥控战机,成为杀人玩具灵异战斗机,吉米家为毁灭它,全家总动员,阻止它滥杀无辜,展开□空对地、地对空的人与恶灵战争。  <!--香港百视达-->Once he fought in the name of honor, ...

Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love

剧情: Lewis and his nerdy friends attend Booger\'s wedding to the daughter of a rich Republican, but nerd-haters in the family do everything possible to prevent the w...

小妖精 2 之恐怖密月

剧情: 早于10世纪时,拥有无比法力的小妖精企图强抢少女为妻,但最后失败。再隔一千年后的今天,小妖精再卷土重来人类世界,试着寻找妻室,少女宝丽不幸成为目标。正当小妖精准备婚礼之时,发觉其罕有的金币失去,结果...On his 1000th birthday, a mean Leprechaun get\'s to choose...



剧情: 沈四欠下贵利,求高飞帮助与判官等人打劫一批私运的军火,但事成之后竟被判官暗算,沈四一家遇害,只有其女生还。高飞伤愈后向判官追回赃款,以供沈女度过伤残的下半生 。Luke Powers travels to L.A. to find that his brother has been murdered in a...


Final Judgement

剧情: A priest is suspected in the brutal murder of a young stripper. To prove his innocence, he descends into the world of strip clubs and pornography, hoping to cat...

Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation

剧情: The third movie in the Nerds series: The nerds are now in control of the university, as a result of Lewis Skolnick and the rest\'s actions in the two previous m...

Body Waves

剧情: To prove his independence, a cocky teenager bets his father that he can support himself without the family business. But no one is more surprised than he is whe...


剧情: 他,是年少疑狂的英俊演员;她,是美丽娇俏的成熟艳妇。一次冥冥注定的邂逅,使他无可救药地迷恋上她,而她亦报以温柔缱绻的浪漫激情。这抵挡不住的炽烈诱惑如波涛般地将他吞噬,使他甘愿沉沦地狱在所不惜。然而这段挣脱禁忌的狂野爱恋,却东窗事发酿成一笔如假似真的谋杀案!当他发现事情越来越不对劲的时候,层层阴谋的暗夜杀机正一步一步地向...

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