电影网>明星资料馆>Kevin McNulty




剧情: 英国 2006-08-16  2006|阿根廷 2003-04-10  2003|挪威 2003-03-05  2003|美国 2002-12-17  2002|西班牙 2002-07-17...


剧情:   故事的主人公比尔是一位残障人士,他患有先天性脑瘫,但比尔并不甘心成为一个失败者,他希望能通过自己的努力,在生命中获得成功。从1955年起,他开始尝试做上门推销员,起初他四处碰壁,并且经常遭到“正常人”的白眼。但是,他并不气馁,继续着自己的事业…… 美国好莱坞电影“推销员”2003年获得了6项 Emmys奖...

L.A. Law: The Movie

剧情: Reunion movie from the popular TV series reunites most of the original cast from the Los Angeles law firm of McKenzie-Brackman. In the eight years since the ser...


Love and Treason

剧情: 阿根廷 2001-11-07  2001|俄罗斯 2001-09-25  2001|匈牙利 2001-09-11  2001|美国 2001-03-07  2001

Anatomy of a Hate Crime

剧情: Fact-based drama centering on the brutal 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, an openly homosexual college student in Wyoming, by two homophobic, trouble-making teen...

"The Chris Isaak Show"

剧情: 匈牙利 2006-02-10  2006|瑞典 2005-01-15  2005|英国 2004-04-25  2004|加拿大 2001-06-28  2001|美国 2001-03-12...

Strange Frequency 2

剧情: 4 stories Soul Man Soft-spoken guitar tuner and roadie Mitch (James Marsters) longs to be a guitar player and to have some of the perks of the obnoxious guitar ...

The Sports Pages

剧情: 匈牙利 2005-10-18  2005|美国 2001-01-07  2001

A Girl Thing

剧情: A Girl Thing is a mini-series that revolves around a New York city street, a coffee house and a shrinks office. Stockard Channing is the therapist to one star p...



剧情: 汤姆(威廉迪凡)决定带着妻子(佩蒂杜克)、孩子一起到山上的小木屋渡假,却他们却万万想不到竟会碰上突来的风雪,导致私人飞机失事坠毁,虽然幸而无人伤亡,但大家却被困在杳无人迹的高山上;\"福无双至,祸不单行\",如今汤姆一家必须设法对付恶劣的天候,以及即将到来的雪崩威胁,他们要如何自救,在天寒地冻中脱离险境呢?A stau...

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